Sunday, November 30, 2014
'Screen more' for cancer risk genes
U.S. Healthcare For Seniors Ranked Poorly Compared To 10 Other Countries
HIV drug ‘effective against prostate cancer’
Philips’ Health-Care Data Push Gets Surprise Boost From Europe
Eisai to Present New Research on Halaven® (eribulin) at Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
HIV drug ‘effective against prostate cancer’
Breast cancer survivor to speak at YWCA Celebrating Women event
Medicare, Medicaid to Begin Covering Lung Cancer Screenings for Smokers
Medicare, Medicaid to Begin Covering Lung Cancer Screenings for Smokers
Largest-ever map of human interactome predicts new cancer genes
World Congress on Controversies in Breast Cancer (CoBRA)
The Best English Muffin in the World Is in Napa Valley
Where do wine country locals go in Napa Valley when they need a carb fix? The Model Bakery of course. For 30 years Model Bakery has been luring folks in for the mouthwatering pastries and bread. But the one item Model is known best for is their world famous English Muffin. People line up for the 1000+ muffins Model makes daily. I produced this story for the new TV show Kristy Downing Rocks Local Food where we reveal the secrets of creating these fluffy and airy one-of-a-kind English Muffin.
Seaham waste removal man puts lives at risk by illegally removing asbestos from High Heaton house
Group Shows How Much Better World Would Be If Fortune 500 Donated Just 1% Of Revenues
The One Hope Foundation, an organization working with companies to integrate charitable giving into their business models, believes companies that commit to worthy causes will boost bottom lines by complying with customers wants. The foundation's success causing positive change reflects a growing number of businesses prioritizing cause-related missions.
According to One Hope, if Fortune 500 companies donated just 1 percent of the $12.21 trillion they garnered in 2013, several milestones could have been reached with the funds: access to clean water for everyone who doesn't have it and an end to homelessness in the U.S., to name a couple.
Here's what else the world could do with 1 percent of $12.21 trillion:
As pointed out, "times have changed" from past decades, when businesses were skeptical to implement any form of social responsibility into their goals. Ten years ago, roughly a dozen Fortune 500 companies around the world issued a corporate social responsibility, or CSR, report -- today, the majority do.
The dramatic increase can be tied to a large number of consumers who want to support businesses that give back to charitable causes. A 2011 study by Cone Communications found that 94 percent of customers are likely to switch brands to one that supports a social issue, if the brands are about equal in price and quality.
The One Hope Foundation, which claims to have facilitated more than $1.5 million in donations to more than 200 charities thus far, is pushing for more business partners and soliciting donations from supporters in its latest campaign video above. The group says that a $10 donation to One Hope generates $500 to charity.
Thousands Of Russians Rally Against Health-Care Cuts
What Science Says About Being In Your 30s
Research presents a mixed picture of a decade of life marked by increasing stability as well as significant change. Some studies suggest that 35 is the "best age" and that real happiness begins at age 33. People older than 100 years in overwhelming numbers regard their 30s as being the best decade of their lives.
Still, the 30s have also been found to be a time of existential crises, ticking biological clocks, and heightened job dissatisfaction.
Here's what science has to say about the ups and downs of being a 30-something:
The beginning and end of the decade may be marked by significant life changes.
If you're going to make a major career change, move to a new city, run a marathon, or have an affair, you're most likely to do it when you're about to turn 30.
Those entering or leaving their 30s are likely to conduct a sort of "life audit" to assess meaningfulness and satisfaction. We tend to use the bookends of a decade as opportunities to evaluate our life paths, and to make changes, according to recent research. New decades tend to inspire a search for meaning, and may lead us to "imagine entering a new epoch," said the researchers, who observed the behavior of "9-ers" (those aged 29, 39, 49, etc.).
You may hit your sexual peak ...
One big thing to enjoy about being in your 30s? Great sex.
For women, a ticking biological clock may be a downside of progressing through the 30s. Perhaps because of this phenomenon, women reach a sexual peak at this time of life, according to research. Women in their 30s and early-40s are significantly more sexual than younger or older women, reporting more sexual fantasies and more actual sex. The researchers hypothesized that women experience enhanced sexual motivation and behavior as an evolutionary adaptation that would have led them to capitalize on their remaining fertility.
Whether this is the actual reason, many women in their 30s say they feel sexier and more in tune with their bodies -- and therefore enjoy a better sex life -- than they did in their 20s. At age 31, women are their most sexually confident, according to a survey reported by the Daily Mail.
... And soar to new heights in your career.
While the 20s are generally characterized by completing your education, unemployment or underemployment, choosing a career path, and working long hours to move up the ladder, the decade that follows is more about enjoying career success and financial success.
The ages of 30 to 39 can be a time of career highlights. Thirty-something women can look forward to pay growth peaking at an average age of 39, according to a analysis. And if you're an artist or a scientist, you'll be most likely to have your biggest creative breakthrough in your late-30s, according to a study of scientific innovators and Nobel Prize winners. A 1977 study, cited by The Atlantic, found that physics Nobel winners were an average of 36 years old when they did their prize-winning research, while chemistry prize winners were an average of 39 years old.
If you're not happy with the career path you've chosen, you're likely to feel worse about work. Some research has shown that 30-somethings are less satisfied with their jobs and more emotionally burnt out than people in their 20s and 40s.
Your personality probably won't change much.
The 20th century Harvard psychologist William James said that after age 30, the personality has "set like plaster." James believed that personality tends to stabilize with the emergence of adulthood. Some research backs up this early belief.
Our core personality characteristics are at least partially determined by genetics. But from childhood through the 20s, our personalities are evolving significantly, and these changes slow as we approach 30. While our fundamental personality traits don't change much once we hit the big 3-0, that doesn't mean we can't challenge ourselves, act out of character and grow. It's just that as our lives become stable, so does our character.
"The very big changes you see from early adolescence to early adulthood are greatly muted after 30, 35," personality psychologist Paul T. Costa told New York magazine's Science of Us. "There are still changes in personality after that, but they're very, very modest compared to earlier phases in the life span."
You might get a case of the pre-midlife blues.
Every decade has its crisis, and the 30s are no exception.
The quarter-life crisis -- as much a pop culture phenomenon as a psychological one -- is a predecessor to the midlife crisis that can strike anywhere from the mid-20s to the mid-30s. It tends to occur most often around age 30. Generally, this period of existential anxiety and questioning is triggered by feelings of being stuck in a job or relationship that isn't working.
"This leads to a feeling of being one thing outwardly, but feeling inwardly that you are someone else, which causes a discrepancy between your behavior and your inner sense of self," British psychologist Oliver Robinson told New Scientist.
This gives rise to a desire to change, finding an exit plan from the current situation, and rebuilding your life, Robinson explained. It can be a difficult process, but it's worth it in the end: 80 percent of young adults that Robinson interviewed looked back positively on their midlife crisis.
Real happiness is just beginning.
Once you've gotten the quarter-life crisis out of your system, it's time for life's real joy. A 2012 survey found that 70 percent of British people over age 40 said they weren't truly happy until age 33.
More than half of survey respondents said that life is more fun at 33, 42 percent said that they were more optimistic about the future at this age, and 38 percent said that they experienced less stress at age 33 than when they were younger.
“The age of 33 is enough time to have shaken off childhood naiveté and the wild scheming of teenaged years without losing the energy and enthusiasm of youth,” one of the study's authors, psychologist Donna Dawson, explained. “By this age innocence has been lost, but our sense of reality is mixed with a strong sense of hope, a ‘can do’ spirit, and a healthy belief in our own talents and abilities.”
According to another British survey, conducted by HuffPost UK and YouGov, we strike the best work-life balance at age 34, and achieve true contentment at age 38.
Essential mineral found in salmon, broccoli and other foods may help fight cancer
Osborne pledges pre-election healthcare funding boost
7 Ways To Quiet Your Home From The Noisy World Around It
Researchers: How did Philly teacher beat brain cancer?
Democrats Mutiny Over Obama's Healthcare Law
Cancer survivor urges men to take a simple test that could save their lives
Better tests and treatments may result from new insights into breast cancer spread
Immigrants baffled by lapse
Lung cancer therapy found effective in older African Americans
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Healthcare Payer IT Market in Europe and N.A. 2018 Forecasts and Analysis Reports
Cancer survivor urges men to take a simple test that could save their lives
GALLERY: National Breast Cancer Foundation Masquerade Ball at The Foundry Hotel
Do We Live in a Time of Narcissism
It is said that healthy narcissism exists in many individuals and is an essential part of normal development. It is either a search for self-worth or self-esteem, sometimes to counter an inadequate self-perception or overcoming an emptiness within. We have to learn to understand this boundless need to self-expressing as we see today. Technology quickens the "me-myself-I" theme. Many tasks once considered uniquely human are now driven by personal technology. These tools also bring change to all that we hold dear or important. There is a shift in perception, fewer people work in jobs thought important at one time, education, medicine, manufacturing, law-professions, servicing homes, these and more are constantly changing. Education above all guides people into the next stage of ingenuity and technology. This is optimistic and positive.
With all the speculations and visions of the future we are living in the "now" and need to learn to adjust. Technology is part of our everyday life and we are learning to deal with these intense challenges. Hands-on labor will never be obsolete. Learning, building a productive life, tilling the fields, feeding the billions and enjoying a precious, healthy life is still a gift. Maybe innovation and entrepreneurs have found substitutes for human labor yet all these new inventions and ideas also compliment life and bring new understanding.
Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis, an Australian Psychologist, writer and presenter, now living in New York, is affiliated with major psychological and counseling associations, and a specialist in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) with a doctorate in alternative medicine, is saying:
Sadly, many people are taught to value themselves according to any talents or material goods they possess. The danger of identifying with what we have or do is that if we lose abilities, looks, wealth or possessions - there can be a tendency to feel lost, empty and worthless. When we work on accepting ourselves and our fallibility unconditionally - knowing that we have worth, simply because we exist, we can lead wholesome, happier and healthy lives. Each human has worth, whether he or she succeeds or fails at attaining their goals. It is beneficial, given that we are largely social animals, to make an effort to show kindness and compassion to others as well as to ourselves. Some cynics may say it is 'selfish' to do for others in order to make ourselves feel good. Self-interest, and showing interest in the well-being of others, is key to creating healthier communities, healthier societies and ultimately a healthier world.
That brings the age of narcissism to foreground. Our tools for communications are fine and helpful, yet they also provide an alienation process, a virtual life versus a real one. For example seeing art or great architecture, travel to far-away places in real time enriches our human understanding, brings a new dimension, and teaches us to respect or honor those who give or gave us these great gifts and made them possible. Yes, automations are part of our daily lives, yet we still enjoy looking into the eyes of a human being, hearing a real voice, sharing feelings and emotions. It is of endless value, machines don't offer that. We can choose to be part of this 'loving-my-tool' society, choose taking selfies every moment of our lives, always with us in the picture, masterpieces of self-importance, positively or negatively, joyfully or obnoxiously. Our choice! Yes, there are masterpieces by great painters of the past in self-portraits, like Goya, Rembrandt, van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, the selfies of their time, are great and precious gifts to us today and will be for centuries. We are fortunate to enjoy them and to live in a Nation of open minds and possibilities with our open systems.
The consequences of this brilliant new technology is positive and predictable... yet we must remember that it is not always well-intended. Warnings about cyber-attacks, personal and institutional, have become an often occurrence. No matter how well protected we think we are in our privacy. Genuine tension exists between our ability to know more or feel protected --but so do others and know more about us than we envisioned. Selfies are a mirror of ourselves! Sometimes these mirrors are broken and we cannot stop it.
We live in a time of abundance, have an endless choice of smartphone cameras for selfies... now even provided with selfie-sticks. People wandering through the great spaces we know from history or travels yet often are totally unaware nor paying attention to these great visions. These stick -- extensions are intrusive and show also the disrespect, not only to the people sharing the space but to the accomplishments of the past. It has nothing to do with technology but a way of feeling entitled. Narcissism is all around us! Of course the right to pose for selfies is each person's choice, unless posted otherwise. Today's travelers have the great joy of seeing art and architecture of the now and the past by taking photos or selfies, but should remember that there are others who have as much interest and the same right to see these treasured surroundings without being blocked or intruded upon their reverie.
Nurses’ Union’s sick cancer game
January-October 2014 temperatures highest on record
The Hidden Factor in Failing to Reach your Goals
Here's a shortlist based on the most common answers I hear from clients or in my workshops and seminars:
- Identifying what it is that you want
- Taking action in the direction of its creation
- Noticing the results you are getting
- Adapting your actions based on your results
So if you were doing all that, why might you still not reach your goals on schedule?
Recently, a friend was sharing his disappointment at failing to reach a career goal by a deadline he'd set when it dawned on me that he might be missing the point. He seemed to think the problem was either with him (he hadn't tried hard enough) or possibly the universe (it was out to get him that week). What hadn't occurred to him is that you can have a great strategy, take inspired, effective action, have all the stars aligned in your favor, and still fail to reach your goals in the time frame you've created because of one hidden factor.
I call it "hidden" because before I heard my mentor George Pransky talk about it in a coaching session, I had never once given it a moment's thought. And since that time, I've never heard anyone else talk about it either.
The reason a lot of people fail to reach their goals in the time frame they've set is simply this:
Most of us aren't very good at predicting how long things are going to take.
In other words, if you want to lose 30 pounds in three months and 90 days later you've only lost 15 pounds, did you "fail" because you didn't try hard enough, because your metabolism was working against you, or because it turns out that in this instance, 90 days wasn't a long enough time frame to reach that goal given your strategy and what you were willing and able to do?
Or say you want to earn an extra $5,000 this month, but at the end of the month you haven't earned a penny. Was it poor planning? Poor execution? Or if you look at it objectively, are you on track to earn your extra $5,000 but it's going to take three months instead of the one you made up it should take?
Once George pointed out this "hidden factor" to me, I began to see it everywhere. Actors who give up on their dreams after not becoming stars in their first few months in Hollywood. Coaches who can't understand why they're not making six figure incomes in their first two years in the business. Employees who aren't getting promoted on their time schedule and entrepreneurs who think if the world hasn't beaten a path to their door the day they opened it they must be doing something wrong.
Are their times where your lack of results in a time frame indicate that a change of strategy, direction, or even career might be in order?
Of course there are.
But if the people whose opinion you respect (you do have coaches and advisers and mentors don't you?) agree that you're on the right track, the only thing that might be holding you back is an inability to predict how long something is going to take.
And there are three ways to address that:
1. Stop turning your goals into ultimatums:
Here's how I put it in one of my early books:
"Some people have learned to live by keeping themselves under the constant threat of poverty, abandonment, and self-hatred if they don't perform up to whatever standard they have decided upon. The problem with this motivational strategy is simple: If you keep putting a gun to your head, at some point you're going to want to pull the trigger."
Your goals are not the answer to your prayers and they're not the things that will set you free. They're just targets to aim for and organizing principles for your actions, generally based on a best guess at what you'll enjoy doing, being, or having at some point in the future. Turning them into more than that just makes it harder to find out if you're as bad at predicting future happiness as you are at predicting time frames.
2. Set a completely unrealistic time frame:
This is one of the bases for the Creating the Impossible challenges that I run from time to time -- when you set a time frame so short for a goal so big that "success" would be almost completely impossible, people curiously feel more able to just go for it and get involved in creation without worrying so much about whether or not "It's going to work."
That's why one of my favorite "unsticking" moves when I can't make progress on a goal is to double my target and halve the time I have available. Because I know I'm almost certainly not going to make it, I take the false deadline pressure off my mind and free myself up for more fun and creative thinking. And because I'm now just playing a game (double the target in half the time), I often come up with unique strategies that would never have occurred to me while trying to reach my more "realistic" target.
3. Navigate by joy:
One of the things I learned fairly early on in life is that the fastest way to future rewards is by following present joy. Even when that doesn't seem to be true, acting from a centered, joyful place on a daily basis inside ensures that worst case, you are really enjoying your days. And if you're really enjoying each day, how long it takes to get somewhere becomes a point of interest rather than a point of contention.
Have fun, learn heaps, and may all your success be fun!
with all my love,
For more by Michael Neill, click here.
Hometown Proud Healthcare
The Radical Choice of Militant Kindness
So that's what I've been doing for the last 22 years. Acting. Acting tough, acting hard, acting cold. Acting as if I don't see the loneliness and sadness and brokenness that surrounds me. Why? Simple: Fear.
In 1992, a scrawny teenage version of myself looked around at the savage world of prison and said to my mind, "Help! I don't wanna be jumped or stabbed or raped or beaten to death by abusive guards. I wanna make it back home in one piece!" And my mind, amazing babbling problem-solver that it is, said, "I got this," and went to work on building a wall and posting the ultra-sensitive ego as a sentry to ward off any potential threats. My job was to act. And act I did. I spent so much time acting that I almost lost myself inside the facade that was supposed to be protecting me. Almost.
But looking at prison through the eyes of a 40-year-old man is a much different experience than seeing it through the eyes of a scared little 18-year-old kid. And recently, after decades of fortifying this hardened exterior and living with a conditioned mindset that places toughness over all other attributes, a series of books, films, and extraordinary people have wandered into my life with an unmistakable message: ...there is nothing more honorable, more radical, more standup than the path of kindness. Especially in such a hopeless world.
Suddenly -- no, not suddenly -- gradually, I wanted this more than anything else. Militant kindness. Love without fear. A wide open heart. For someone who has spent years coveting the appearance of fearlessness and physical strength, the concept of kindness, regardless of consequence, was a revelation. A last shot at a life of meaning and authenticity. I wanted to get back to the me I was before all of this acting BS began, back to the kid I built these walls to protect.
Kindness. It seems like such an easy choice. But a crazy thing happens when you drop your guard and step from behind that icy stand-offish barrier: people become comfortable around you. Comfortable enough to open up, to confide in you, and occasionally, comfortable enough to hurt you. Or at least say things that are damaging to your ego. But that is what we want, isn't it? It's what I want. This lonely half-life of keeping the world at arm's length for a false sense of safety and to defend the ego is a fool's game and the exhaustive struggle to continue propping up an illusion is not only cowardice, it's treasonous.
Only kindness matters.
Malcolm Ivey is a Writer, Novelist and Author of Consider the Dragonfly and With Arms Unbound
Also published at Kindness Blog.
Jimmy Fallon Reveals You've Been Thankful For All The Wrong Reasons
While all those traditional answers are great, Jimmy Fallon's holiday-edition of "Thank You Notes" revealed the real reasons to be thankful this season. These include napping and football for making it easier to deal with all the family and friends.
To find out what other things you should be thankful for this year, check out the video above.
"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET on NBC.
Person Fired for not Disposing Asbestos Safely
Tanzanian leader declares himself free of cancer after surgery
Receiving Thanks
Thanksgiving Day is
one of my favorite holidays. I am in charge of the turkey and I get great pleasure when family and friends enjoy the most delicious bird they
ever tasted.
Of course, the best
part is the nature of the holiday itself. A day in this country to give thanks
for all we are blessed with, from our freedom to the pursuit of our dreams.
Most of us give
thanks, not only on this day, but hopefully throughout our lives. Yet, one of
the most difficult things is our ability to receive thanks, especially when it
comes to thanking ourselves.
Receiving thanks for being one's self is something we almost never witness. That is
not only to our own detriment, but to those who love us as well. What is more
painful is that knowing this, we still have trouble
doing it.
Treating ourselves thankfully is not easy to wrap our arms around because either we think we could do better or
should do better. Those thoughts themselves are not the problem for they often
are what motivates us to be a better person. The problem occurs
when those thoughts turn from positive motivation to self loathing and
One of the most
cherished guests I had on my show was John Wooden, considered the
greatest coach of all time. Coach Wooden not only won more basketball games than any other
in history but winning the NCAA championship 10 times in 12 years is
a record that most agree will never be broken.
What is more
amazing is that he never once asked his team to win. He only asked them to
be the best they were capable of being.
Success is peace of mind which is a direct result
of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are
capable of becoming.
-John Wooden-
It is those last seven
words: The best you are capable of becoming that means so much.
We always do the best we are
capable of doing. Should we strive
for more, ALWAYS, but while striving we should be thankful that we still doing the best we can in that moment.
So on this
Thanksgiving weekend please continue to give thanks but also receive some thanks for
yourself, for you undoubtedly are the best you are capable of
In honor of
Thanksgiving and the inspirational coach John Wooden, below is my entire
conversation with the Wizard of Westwood himself.
Enjoy the episode,
have a wonderful holiday and receive all the thanks for being you.
Early results of new drug, ASP8273, show response in Japanese patients with treatment-resistant non-small cell lung cancer
Cancer fund of £16.5m
Linking real-time ultrasound to MRI may aid prostate cancer assessment
Pasadena youth football team raises money for teammate with brain cancer
5 Ways to Soothe Anxious Dogs
Pets can become stressed for several different reasons. From new roommates to fireworks to long travel hours, dogs react to changes in their environment similar to how we do.
Many types of canine anxiety problems exist. Separation anxiety can occur when a dog is left alone for long periods of time. When dogs become fearful of loud noises, like thunderstorms, they are experiencing noise anxiety. Motion sickness and travel anxiety are possible for dogs, too, and you may think twice before keeping your dog in a crate as their frustration can lead to confinement anxiety.
Because dogs are sensitive to their physical and emotional settings, they may engage in repetitive or displacement behavior during times of stress. Agitated dogs may stop barking, chew on furniture and shoes, eat their own poop, or be aggressive toward others.
When these behaviors happen, don't misjudge the situation and punish your dog. Punishment will not address the root cause of the problem. In fact, pain will only increase their levels of stress leading to more unwanted behavior.
Fortunately, with the right plan of action, you can help your pet overcome anxiety. Every dog responds differently to certain methods. Therefore, if your pet doesn't respond to one technique, consider trying another. Here are five possible solutions for anxiety in dogs:
1. Use Medication
First, always consult a veterinarian before administering medication. Giving your dog Benadryl is one popular option for relief. It's a light, over-the-counter antihistamine with sedative properties. Your pet can take the medicine in different ways. You can put the tablet in small pieces of food, or the liquid gel capsules can be mixed into a treat.
2. Choose a Healthy Diet
As they say, you are what you eat, and a healthy diet leads to healthy behavior. Hyperactive dogs need a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Therefore, it's in your best interest to monitor what you feed your pets (or what they randomly decide to eat). Discuss the best dietary options with your vet.
3. Exercise
Physical exercise is a great way to soothe your dog's anxiety. Schedule a daily routine for your dog to be active. If it's too cold for outdoor fun, experiment with indoor exercises and stretches. Also, make it enjoyable. Play games to associate positive emotions with typically stressful activities like car rides.
4. Give a Massage
Who said massages were just for people? Massaging is a great calming technique for an anxious dog. Not only does it heal the body, but also the mind. Connect with a certified canine massage therapist in your area. They can teach you multiple ways to relax your pet through touch.
5. Create a Predictable Environment
Dogs can sometimes get flustered, especially if their daily routine changes. Reduce stress by creating a predictable environment with fixed activities. It's important to set expectations for your dog. In return, both owner and pet will be happy.
Dogs are man's best friends; they share many of our emotions and can experience anxiety just like us. It is normal for a dog to become nervous when life changes occur. So, instead of punishing innocent behavior, seek out help to relieve their stress. In the end, everyone will be grateful.
Image courtesy of marcolm at
Tanzanian leader declares himself free of cancer after surgery
VuCOMP to Showcase Industry Leading Computer Vision Systems for the Detection of Breast Cancer at RSNA 2014
Falling glass, asbestos threat in storm’s wake
WTF Is A Self-Cleaning Oven, Anyway?
Short of hiring help, there's only one other way to handle this madness: By keeping that door shut and letting your oven clean itself. But how does that self-cleaning mechanism work, anyway?
We went to an appliance pro, Consumer Reports' deputy home editor, Celia Kuperszmid-Lehrman, for answers.
HuffPost Home: How exactly does the feature work?
Celia Kuperszmid-Lehrman: Typically, this cycle uses high heat to burn off spills and spatters in the oven. An automatic safety lock on self-cleaning models prevents the oven door from being opened until the oven has cooled. Some models have a countdown display that shows the time left in the cycle.
HPH: Does it mean that you never have to scrub your oven again?
CKL: If you get one of our highly-rated models, yes. All you should need to do is wipe up some ash.
HPH: Are all self-cleaning features created equal? If not, how might they differ from one oven model to the next?
CKL: Sadly no. Some are much better than others at cleaning up messy, baked-on foods according to our tests. A few professional models may not have a self-cleaning feature.
HPH: How often is self-cleaning generally recommended?
CKL: It depends on your tolerance levels and how much you cook; check out the owners manual.
HPH: What are the biggest mistakes people make when using this feature?
CKL: 1. Not leaving enough time for the cycle, which can take 3-6 hours, because it takes time for the oven to heat up and to cool down once the cycle is finished. 2. Not ventilating the kitchen while the cycle is running. Open the window a crack and turn on the range hood, otherwise it can get smelly.
HPH: Is there any new technology around self-cleaning ovens?
CKL: Some manufacturers offer lower-temperature self-cleaning cycles that use water and steam. They were faster, but really couldn't handle big messes, especially grease on the oven walls and on the window in the oven door.
Now that that's settled, check out our guide to tackling those dirty dishes.
UN: More Than 16,000 People Sickened With Ebola
The new death toll, released late Friday by the U.N. agency, represents an increase of more than 1,000 deaths since a report from two days before. Most of the new deaths were recorded in Liberia, but the new toll likely includes deaths that have gone unreported over a significant period of time. Data from the outbreak has been spotty and slow to come and often death and case tolls see large jumps when backlogs of information are cleared. Because the data is so hard to come by, the World Health Organization has cautioned that its figures may significantly underreport the actual number of people sickened and killed by the disease.
The current outbreak began in West Africa and has been severely hitting three countries there: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Friday's data showed there have been 16,169 cases in just those three countries — an increase of 268 cases since a report two days earlier. There have also been around three dozen cases elsewhere. Most recently, Mali began recording infections after sick people crossed over from neighboring Guinea.
The numbers of people sickened and killed in this outbreak exceed by several magnitudes any previous outbreak of Ebola, which previously broke out in remote areas of east and central Africa. This time, however, it began in a highly mobile region, where Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone meet, and quickly hopped to those countries' capitals.
Liberia has recorded the highest number of cases and deaths, but the rate of infection is slowing there. The disease is now spreading fastest in Sierra Leone.
Linking real-time ultrasound to MRI may aid prostate cancer assessment
Framed in Pink: Bowling Over Breast Cancer a success
Friday, November 28, 2014
Health-care subsidies outside Obamacare
Immunotherapy set to revolutionize cancer treatment, experts say
The Funniest Tweets About Food Comas, Feasting And Thanksgiving Food
That's why we couldn't help but comb through some of our favorite celebs' Twitter feeds. Kevin Roose entertained us with a beautiful picture of his "bae" (canned cranberry sauce, of course), Jimmy Fallon gave thanks for alcohol (we're with ya, Jimmy) and Megan Amram showed us the sexiest "thigh gap" ever.
Scroll to see who had the best turkey tweets and -- as always-- Bon appeTWEET!
Thank you, Thanksgiving, for being a time for family. And thank you, football and alcohol, for making that tolerable. #ThankYouNotes
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) November 28, 2014
Still life of bae.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) November 27, 2014
My thigh gap is looking fresh as hell
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) November 28, 2014
(Said like the hunger game announcer) Let the passive aggressive games begin!!!! #ThanksgivingThrowdown
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) November 27, 2014
Can't understand why thanksgiving dinner changes the time of regular, normal human being dinner time.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 27, 2014
Celebrate this Thanksgiving the way the pilgrims intended: by arguing with your family about Obamacare.
— Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) November 27, 2014
I'm so stuffed I feel like a bunch of people in matching outfits should be parading me down Fifth Avenue.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) November 28, 2014
PLEASE remember not to ruin everyone's Thanksgiving by being a dick and putting raisins or fruit in your stuffing
— Ike Barinholtz (@ikebarinholtz) November 26, 2014
This year I'm gonna sit down for Thanksgiving and say "Actually, I'm juicing" and see which of my relatives tells me to go fuck myself first
— Emmy Blotnick (@emmyblotnick) November 26, 2014
On a scale of 1-10 I'm bloated.
— andy lassner (@andylassner) November 28, 2014
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These Athletic Turkey Trotters Prove Thanksgiving Isn't Just About The Food
johana.chazaro via Instagram
Happy Thanksgiving to all! #turkeytrot #fatherjoesvillages #balboapark #gratitude
A photo posted by Caprendoose Hills (@caprendoosehills) on
caprendoosehills via Instagram
almrltu via Instagram
100% committed to the #TurkeyTrot. Go hard or go home! | #SanFrancisco #SF #Running
A photo posted by Ruth Martinez (@ruthmphotography) on
ruthmphotography via Instagram
Beautiful morning for a #run. The #turkeytrot at Wash Park.
Watch #7newsNow and #cowx for your holiday #forecast
— Bruce Wilson (@brucewilsonco) November 27, 2014
ruthmphotography via Twitter
A photo posted by Pamela (@pammm_cakes) on
pammm_cakes via Instagram
carlieshann via Instagram
Thankful for Smiles #PiedmontTurkeyTrot #Thanksgiving #TurkeyTrot
— Jennifer A Fox (@jennfoxphoto) November 27, 2014
jennfoxphoto via Twitter
#TurkeyDay #TurkeyTrot #NYC #Run #Runner #Blessed Another day,Training day. #Love #FitFam
A photo posted by cyn_rox (@cyn_rox) on
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