Sunday, May 31, 2015
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Lung cancer is top killer
7 Parents' Dinner-Table Rituals That Make The Most Out Of Family Time
Ultimately, it’s chaos.
Quiet family dinners are rare. But they can still be sacred!
We’ve partnered with Hidden Valley Ranch to share seven ways parents use dinnertime rituals to make the most out of family time in a busy world.
Make Dinner A Sit-down Meal
Sitting has been getting a bad rap lately, but dinner is one time you should make an exception.
Emily Herring Dunn, writer and mother to 3-year-old son Michael (and pregnant with her second child), takes a note from her own parents, who made it a priority for their family of five to gather around the dinner table every night.
“It was our time to share with everyone how our day had been, what had happened, and talk about things that may be coming up for one or all of us,” Dunn explains. “My husband and I agreed from the beginning of our marriage that we wanted to make this our family's tradition, as well.”
Sitting down to a meal helps Dunn and her family remember what’s most important in life. However, like other parents, she knows all too well that not every night can go according to plan. “On those nights we'll usually order some kind of takeout, spread a blanket on the floor in front of the TV, and have a picnic and movie night,” Dunn says.
Create A Set Of Rules
You don’t need an itinerary for the dinner table, per se (this isn’t a family vacation!). However, a set of rules can help, according to Paul Cortez, a father of two.
At the Cortez household, the TV must be turned off, no toys are allowed at the table, family members must wait to eat until everyone is seated, and the phone goes ignored (unless it’s an urgent matter) for the duration of the meal. Children must ask to be excused from the dinner table, as well.
“It is my hope that with habituation, my kids will see the value in this light level of formality, and carry it into their forthcoming familial lives,” Cortez says.
Remember -- Not Everything Has To Be Perfect!
What’s more difficult than getting two children under 3-years-old fed at the same time every night...without tears? Not much, according to Erin Piccione, blogger behind Unconventional Mommy Tails, who says dinner can be a “real challenge.”
Growing up, things were different. Piccione recalls dinnertime was a clockwork system she could always count on: her mother cooked dinner seven nights a week and had it ready on the table before her father got home from work.
“Now that I have my own family, I can’t even fathom doing what my mother did,” Piccione admits. Luckily, Piccione knows it’s not just the food that makes dinner important.
“I’m only human, and the meal portion isn’t as important to me [as] who I’m spending it with,” Piccione says. “What I most remember [about dinner growing up] is the family time that we had when we sat down and ate … That feeling of togetherness and the connection with the members of my family is what I want to bring from the past to the present. My kids are quite young now, but as they get older, this will become even more important.”
Remove Tech From The Table
What’s more annoying than a teen texting under the table? Well, besides your husband (or wife) doing the same thing, nothing.
As the mother of four boys, it’s not easy for Jenn Worden, a mommy blogger living in New Mexico, to get the whole family together. However, dinner is the exception: it’s the one time each day the whole family is present at once. In fact, Worden even has assigned seating for her kids to avoid any disputes at the dinner table.
The only other rule? No phones.
“We don’t allow phones or gadgets of any type [at the dinner table] because it’s all about quality time together as a family,” Worden explains. “Kids grow up too fast, so we cherish our dinnertime chats. It’s also helped us to stay closer and connected as a family while bonding with our children.”
Cook Together
How important is tradition? Some (including Tevye the Dairyman) would say very. And Autumn Krisfalusi agrees.
The mother of four and the blogger behind Our Blended Home didn’t have a steady dinner routine growing up, so it was especially important to establish a tradition with her own family as an adult.
“With four kids, it can get pretty noisy and chaotic, but it truly is one of my favorite times of the day,” Krisfalusi explains. “Sitting down to dinner as family, catching up with everyone, is a huge part of what makes our family thrive.”
Krisfalusi puts her older children in charge of making the sides and setting the table to make the meal a true team effort. “Luca, our 3 1/2-year-old, always says grace before we eat,” Krisfalusi says. “He insists on being the only one who does it. It is pretty adorable, and something we will always remember, I’m sure.”
Start A Routine
Sometimes, getting your kids to talk can be like pulling teeth, which is why Kristin Quinn, mommy blogger behind Misadventures in Mommyhood, has a formula -- which she “borrowed” from her parents.
“There were three of us growing up and my parents would always ask each of us to share something about our day,” Quinn explains. “My little sister would always start with "I woke up..." it was a long process! But now, I ask my four-year-old the same question with a slightly different spin: ’What was the most favorite part about your day?’”
This lead-in question sparks other conversation that lasts the duration of dinner -- and gives Quinn’s family a chance to connect and share.
Embrace Chaotic Togetherness
Amanda Woodward, mother to an infant son and an 18-month-old daughter, grew up in a large, busy family that regularly ate in shifts. “Whoever was home from school, work or practice would eat together and talk too loudly -- all at the same time -- about their day,” Woodward explains.
While this may not be a conventional routine, meals in Woodward’s house today follow the same blueprint. “I’m going to say our ritual is ‘happy chaos,’” she says, describing a scene with her toddler daughter trying to feed the dogs, Woodward trying to breastfeed her infant son, and the adults trying to feed themselves.
“There are no quiet, calm, relaxing meals, but dinnertime is easily our favorite part of the day.”
With great families come great traditions. The Hidden Valley® Ranch dressing tradition continues today by bringing families closer together over memorable meals. Learn more about Hidden Valley’s new Greek Yogurt Salad Dressing and Dips Mixes here.
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Public Release: 31-May-2015 Immunotherapy drug improves survival for common form of lung cancer Johns Hopkins Medicine In a head-to-head clinical trial comparing standard chemotherapy with the immunotherapy drug nivolumab, researchers found that people…
Gooey Decadent Krispie Treat Fudge
Today I pulled a fast one on my family. You see, they have a strict rule with me that I am no longer allowed to make rice krispie treats.
It’s not because I make them poorly, it’s because I don’t share. They are my Achilles heel, so to speak. I will fight even the smallest child for the last krispie treat at a potluck. (don’t think I’m kidding).
I have been caught eating an entire pan, by myself, before my children even arrive home from school. Guilty. So, in an effort to get around their “rules”, I created this delicious krispie treat fudge. And you guys, it’s even better than I imagined.
One of my favorite versions of a krispie treat is this Avalanche recipe. It comes from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. It’s rich, and chewy, and mouthwatering. I kept the peanut butter out of today’s fudge recipe because I wanted the fudge to taste more like a classic krispie treat. However, adding peanut butter is on my ‘to do’ list for next time. And yes, there WILL be a next time!
Fortunately for my family, this fudge makes a whole pan of decadent, gooey fudge, and I’m willing to share. As each piece is so rich and satisfying, I won’t over indulge by eating all 64 pieces. (not to say I won’t eat my fair share, because I did. And then some, but a little goes a long way).
Some quick tips:
Line a 13x9 baking dish with parchment paper (not foil). It makes serving this fudge so much easier.
Boil the mixture for the full 4 minutes, stirring constantly. If you do this I won’t make you use a candy thermometer.
After you have beat in the white chocolate and marshmallow cream, and your mixture is smooth, gently (but working quickly) fold in the marshmallows and cereal. Pour immediately into your prepared dish.
Sprinkle your chocolate chips on top immediately so they stick to the warm fudge.
After allowing the fudge to cool, remove from pan by lifting by the parchment paper. Place on a large cutting board and cut into small bite sized pieces. Store in an airtight container for up to 7 days. ENJOY.
So the moral of the story is this: make this fudge. Today. K?
Get the Krispie Treats Fudge Recipe on Food Fanatic now!
About Aimee
Aimee Shugarman of Shugary Sweets likes all things sweet, as you can probably guess. Writing about homemade candy came naturally, and we're oh so thankful she's our Candy Fanatic.
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Just how Environment-friendly Tea Might Prevent Prostate Cancer cells
17:28 GMT
Green tea has its touted health and wellness benefits, however it could handle a more crucial role as a chemoprevention treatment. Scientists at the Moffitt Cancer cells Facility and Research Institute in Florida examined for the first time exactly how eco-friendly tea advantages men over an one-year therapy period. Their findings will be provided at the American Society of Scientific Oncology (ASCO)’s Annual Meeting … (proceed reviewing)
How Green Tea Might Prevent Prostate Cancer
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An Anthropological Approach To California's Vaccination Problem
By Tom Jacobs
As we were reminded during California's recent measles outbreak, a surprising number of well-educated people decide each year not to have their children immunized against an array of communicable diseases. Trying to discern why they make this dangerous decision is a priority for public health officials, and a perplexing puzzle to the rest of us.
Newly published research shows that cultural anthropology can both help us understand their thinking, and suggest ways of productively communicating the importance of vaccination.
San Diego State University anthropologist Elisa Sobo spent time with a community of parents whose children attended a California Waldorf School. It's part of a large, international network of alternative schools that emphasize independent thinking and creative expression.
These schools are often criticized for having high rates of non-immunized children, and that was clearly true of the campus Sobo visited: Just over half of the parents filed "personal belief exemptions" indicating their child was un- or under-vaccinated.
The desire to "fit in" with a group of self-defined free-thinkers in fact leads to a kind of groupthink, in which dissent is effectively silenced.
Tellingly, she found the percentage of kids who are vaccinated goes down the longer they have been at the school. This suggests that, while parents who choose such schools may be skeptical of vaccines, there's something about the culture of the institution that bolsters this skepticism and effectively discourages the otherwise-common practice.
That's exactly what Sabo found when she interviewed 24 parents and conducted a focus group with a dozen of them. She discovered they were "highly educated, and took seriously their perceived responsibility for child health."
They also prided themselves on being "independent thinkers" who are deeply skeptical of both big government and big corporations. This shared sense of identity, she writes in the journal Medical Anthropology Quarterly, reinforces anti-vaccination attitudes, which gradually coalesce into a cultural norm parents are reluctant to deviate from.
Opposition to vaccination becomes, for many, intertwined with their perception of themselves as intelligently skeptical parents.
One potential source of this skepticism is "anthroposophy," which Sobo describes as "a holistic philosophy promoted by Waldorf education's founder, Rudolf Steiner." Among other things, this school of thought argues that the fevers and inflammation that accompany common childhood diseases "contribute to cell renewal and growth, as well as to overall immune-system strength."
Sabo reports this philosophy is not specifically taught as part of the Waldorf curriculum. But it may have seeped into some parents' thinking, leading them to question the wisdom of immunization.
Besides the purported "benefits of getting a disease naturally," anti-vaccine parents frequently mentioned "the profit motives of those who make, sell, and distribute them."
Other stated concerns included side effects and perceived toxicity of vaccines. This information largely came from alternative-medicine publications and websites, which were widely shared among the Waldorf parents.
"Such sources -- which supported talk of vaccine toxicity, ineffectiveness, needlessness, and developmental inappropriateness for small bodies -- were more likely to be publicized within the school community via social networks than were mainstream scientific materials," Sabo writes. "This was because of (unwritten) community rules favoring alternative perspectives and stigmatizing conventional ones."
Sabo's research identifies two important ironies. First, she writes, "Although Waldorf education has a social mission, participants (in this study) overlooked the plight of disease-vulnerable people."
Second, "the equation between non-vaccination, the independence of mind that it is taken to signify, and Waldorfian identity make it harder and harder to contravene the norm without threatening one's sense of group membership."
In other words, the desire to "fit in" with a group of self-defined free-thinkers in fact leads to a kind of groupthink, in which dissent is effectively silenced.
How can this be countered? "Vaccine promotions should leverage parents' favored ideas and address community concerns," Sabo writes. "Pro-vaccine messages aimed at Waldorf parents should emphasize how vaccination, booster shots included, help children's immune systems naturally (vs. working synthetically)."
In addition, she writes, "Publicizing that about half of Waldorf students are fully vaccinated ... will also be helpful," as it will demonstrate "that vaccinating one's children is not inimical to being free-thinking" or a member of the school community in good standing.
"Because such actions have the potential to dislodge vaccination's social stigma," Sabo writes, '"these could be the most important practical steps of all."
Findings is a daily column by Pacific Standard staff writer Tom Jacobs, who scours the psychological-research journals to discover new insights into human behavior, ranging from the origins of our political beliefs to the cultivation of creativity.
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Apple Watch key element of new breast cancer monitoring project
Meet The Disease That Feels Like ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's All At Once
Breakthroughs in modern science allows us the ability to take a peek under our genetic "hoods" at minimal cost and with unprecedented speed. Services like 23andMe allow any consumer to explore their gene profile, which could be empowering or frightening depending on your perspective and family history. This data, when used in the clinic, provides physicians incredible tools in the quest to practice fully personalized medicine.
Our genes provide the blueprint for our individuation, and come replete with a mixed bag of advantages and potential disadvantages--a natural person-to-person variation which was essential to driving our species forward by way of natural selection. Today, being tethered to negative health outcomes, especially when we can see these risks decades before their potential emergence, are inconvenient (to say the least) in a time when overcoming our biological limitations seems to be as natural as genes themselves.
For many, genes are not destiny, but for some, the genetic risks present high enough odds to elicit serious life questions. For others, genes do determine certain health outcomes. One such disease with a determinant gene is Huntington's Disease. Many describe having Huntington's Disease as having ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's all at the same time. Today, there are approximately 30,000 symptomatic Americans and more than 200,000 at-risk of inheriting the disease.
I couldn't wait to ask my friend Lucy Walker about her experience documenting this harrowing journey, her thoughts on genetic testing, and how to get involved with Marianna's story.
What drew you to Marianna's story?
It was Marianna's idea to make a film about her journey of being tested for Huntington's Disease and she'd seen my documentaries and so she reached out to me. She wanted to shine a light on the disease and on the testing process as a project to help the Huntington's Disease Society of America. I hadn't heard of the disease so I had to google it, and I was extremely moved by what I learned. I instantly wanted to help Marianna and so I agreed. I found Marianna so compelling and charming I knew she'd make a riveting documentary subject and if you watch the film you'll agree, it's impossible to take your eyes off her. Everyone who watches the film falls in love with her and her beautiful, hilarious spiritedness.
Some people would "rather not know" their genetic risk factors for awful diseases. What do you say to those people?
I'd say I completely respect everyone's decisions and there are excellent reasons to get tested and there are excellent reasons not to get tested. It's a completely personal decision about whether or not to find out about what fates our genes might hold. Neither I nor Marianna would recommend that people undergo testing unless they are 100% sure they want to know, because there's no way to go back to not knowing if you don't like the result. I don't have Hungtington's in my family so I'll never know what I would do in Marianna's shoes, but personally I've elected to go through genetic testing both 23andme more for personal curiosity and also some other doctor-administered tests for some other serious conditions, so I suspect I might be inclined to get tested, even for Huntington's, which I believe is the most daunting test of all because at this point there is no cure and it is perhaps the most daunting prognosis imaginable. What we can be sure about is that more and more people are facing this question as so many more gene tests are becoming available, and so the film is close to home for a lot of people.
In The Crash Reel and in The Lions Mouth Opens, you're filming some of the most tragic moments in the lives of your subjects--in the former, traumatic brain injury, in the latter, a horrific neurodegenerative disease. How do you prepare and does it take a toll on you?
I feel so lucky to be working with such inspirational, courageous, profoundly awesome people as Marianna Palka in The Lion's Mouth Opens and Kevin Pearce in The Crash Reel. Honestly I feel like it is a gift to be near them as they tackle some of life's most confronting twists and turns. I've faced down some daunting moments in my own life where I encourage myself by consciously thinking "what would Marianna do" and channeling her spirit. As Jason says in the movie, she doesn't "let something as simple as fear stop her from doing anything". Wow.
Is health generally a topic you're interested in? Why?
I'm obsessed with health and doing what I can to be healthy and active for as long as I can. I took care of my mother when she had cancer and I lost both my parents when they were young and I feel completely motivated to do what i can to take good care of myself. I also just feel better when I exercise daily, sleep sufficiently, meditate, don't eat sugar, etc. It's also fascinating to me how much we are learning these days, there are so many breakthroughs I'm thrilled by the new information. I'm also fascinated by how intelligent our bodies are, and how our body intelligence works -and how modern life can sometimes undermine it, so it's important that we understand what's going on and avoid the pitfalls of such modern health hazards as lights at night, plastic containers, antibiotic overuse, sugary foods, etc.
How can we best help those suffering with Huntington's Disease?
Tune into our film The Lion's Mouth Opens on HBO, premiering June 1st 9pm/8c and thereafter on HBOGo and HBONow - that's the one step that we'd love for everyone to take! Huntington's Disease is less well known than it should be considering that it affects 1 in 10,000 Americans. This is because it only runs in families - unlike say cancer or HIV, it can't be acquired by anybody unless they have a parent with it, so people haven't heard about it unless they have it in the family, and even then people often don't even talk about it because it's so frightening. The good news is that there is a lot of breakthrough research happening currently, and they have identified the gene and it's a single gene (so you could say that Huntington's is a step closer to a cure than Parkinson's or Alzheimer's which are in the same family). And meantime the best way to help is to discuss it openly, so that people are better aware of it. Last year there was a heartbreaking news story of 5 cops arresting and beating up a man who had HD symptoms because they misunderstood his involuntary movements and thought he was resisting arrest. There is also a HD Parity Act that should be passed because people with HD need special protections from discrimination. Everyone in the HD community asks us to tell just one person about the disease so that the challenges faced by the community can be better understood and addressed.
The Lion's Mouth Opens premiers on HBO June 1st 9pm/8c and can be found on HBOGo and HBONow.
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Study identifies possible new combination chemotherapy for patients with advanced prostate cancer
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How Sleep Can Help Us Get Rid Of Deep-Rooted Stereotypes
Now, a provocative new study shows it may even have the power to help us reverse deeply rooted stereotypes against women and African-Americans -- a finding which has important implications given the state of race relations in America, and the gender gap in math and science.
“These biases are well-learned," Dr. Xiaoqing Hu, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin and lead author of the study, told The Guardian. "They can operate efficiently even when we have the good intention to avoid such biases. Moreover, we are often not aware of their influences on our behavior."
Disturbing biases measured. For the study, the researchers recruited 40 white men and women between the ages of 18 and 30 and had them complete a task called the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which measured their baseline gender and racial biases.
Then, the participants completed two "counter-stereotype trainings," which involved looking at different faces -- black and white, male and female -- paired with words on a computer screen (see diagram).
The participants were asked to press a button labeled "correct" when female faces appeared next to science and math words, and when black faces were paired with positive words like "cheer, smile, or honor."
When the participants identified these pairings quickly and accurately, two specific sounds were played -- one sound for the "women-science" pairing, and one for the "black-good" pairing.
Just a few zzz's. After the training, the participants took a 90-minute-long nap. Once they fell into a deep sleep, the researchers played one of the two sounds repeatedly. When the participants woke up, they took the IAT again.
What happened? Participants' biases fell by more than 50 percent for the bias associated with the sound they heard while asleep. For instance, if participants heard only the "women-science" sound, their gender bias was reduced -- but their racial bias stayed the same.
The participants were tested again a week later, and they continued to be less biased -- although at a lower rate of around 20 percent, according to Hu.
"It is somewhat surprising that the sleep-based intervention could have an impact that was still apparent one week later," Hu said in a written statement. "The usual expectation is that a brief, one-time intervention is not strong enough to have a lasting influence."
In the real world. Hu and her colleagues think these interventions could be applied to reduce other biases too, such as those related to religious affiliation, sexual orientation, political preference, weight, and disability. But more research is needed to find out whether these interventions can change behavior in the real world.
"We didn't have people interact with or make decisions about other people, so that sort of experiment is needed to know the full effects of the methods we used," Dr. Ken Paller, director of the cognitive neuroscience program at Northwestern University and one of the researchers, told BBC News. "But we suggest that modifying unconscious social bias is likely to influence the extent to which decisions are influenced by racist or sexist attitudes."
He added that if the interventions can affect decision-makers, it raises the question of "whether people in positions of authority in society, such as judges and police officers, and perhaps people who make hiring decisions, should have their unconscious bias evaluated and perhaps trained to some standard."
Unethical tampering? Scientists who were not involved in the research find the study's results encouraging, but some believe that conducting such experiments while the participant is asleep also raises ethical concerns.
As Dr. Gordon Feld and Dr. Jan Born, psychologists at the University of Tubingen in Germany, wrote in a commentary on the study, it involves tampering with people while they are in "a state... without willful consciousness and therefore vulnerable to suggestion."
The commentary and the study were published on May 29, 2015 in the journal Science.
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5 Family-Friendly Dinners You Need To Try
1. Orecchiette with Sausage and Broccoli
This delicious pasta dish is adapted from Lidia's Italian Table by Lidia Bastianich. Not only is it quick and easy to make -- 25 minutes tops -- the whole family eats it up, broccoli and all. GET THE RECIPE
2. White Chicken Chili
Made with a store bought rotisserie chicken, this is a one pot meal you can have on the dinner table in under an hour. Can't beat that! GET THE RECIPE
3. Buttermilk Fried Chicken Tenders
Marinated in seasoned buttermilk and pan-fried to crunchy perfection, these homemade tenders are delicious on their own, dipped in your favorite sauce or perched on top of a salad. GET THE RECIPE
4. Easy Slow-Baked Boneless BBQ Short Ribs
Meltingly tender short ribs slow-cooked in a sweet and tangy barbecue sauce. And here's the best part: only 15 minutes of prep work and the oven does the rest. GET THE RECIPE
5. Crispy Tilapia Fingers with Lemon & Garlic Mayonnaise
If you're wondering how to get your children to eat -- or even love -- fish, try this: tilapia fillets lightly coated with panko, pan-fried to crispy perfection, and served with a tangy garlic and lemon mayonnaise. GET THE RECIPE
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20-Year-Old Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese Sells For $209 A Pound
A Wisconsin cheesemaker unveiled its 20-year-old aged cheddar cheese earlier this week. Hook’s Cheese Company of Mineral Point told the Wisconsin State Journal that most of their 450-pound supply has already been spoken for, which is surprising since the asking price is $209 a pound.
"It's like a milestone in the cheese industry," said Ken Monteleone, owner of an artisan cheese shop in Madison.
That's more than $94,000 worth of cheese, and it's apparently very tasty.
"This will knock your face off," Tony Miller, executive chef at Madison's L'Etoile restaurant, told WMTV of the 20-year-old cheese. L'Etoile held a special event for the unveiling of the cheddar Wednesday.
Cheesemakers Tony and Julie Hook said they intend to donate $40,000 of their profits from the sale of the cheese to the Center for Dairy Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The cheesemakers, who began aging the "milestone" cheddar in 1995, do not have immediate plans to age more cheese for quite so long.
However, the pricey hunk of cheddar isn't the oldest in Wisconsin dairy history. In 2012, the owner of a cheese shop in Oconto, Wisconsin, who had decided to close his business discovered a 40-year-old block of cheddar cheese in his walk-in cooler.
"It just got overlooked," cheese seller Edward Zahn told the State Journal at the time. "It looks just like the others except it's just a lot sharper. It's got character."
He also discovered 28-year-old and 35-year-old blocks of cheddar in wooden boxes in his cooler. When cheese gets that old, looks can be deceiving.
"It looks like it went through a nuclear accident. It's just unbelievably grotesque," Ken McNulty, president of Wisconsin Cheese Mart, told the newspaper. "But once you get through the exterior, it's OK."
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"Health Attitude", a new book by Dr. John R. Patrick, explains the American healthcare system, what is wrong with it, and how to fix it.
7 Fitness Experts Share Tips on Balancing Exercise and Sleep for Better Health
Mounting evidence shows that sleep is a vital component of fitness as well, important not only for energy, but also for keeping muscles healthy and hormones balanced.
Research from Stanford found improved athletic performance when their basketball team slept more, and a Northwestern University study also found that people exercised longer on days following good sleep. Several studies also associate too little sleep with higher body fat and greater risk of obesity.
But not only does sleep boost your workouts and possibly weight loss, getting regular exercise also benefits your sleep quality, creating a symbiotic and complementary relationship.
Several studies show that regular exercise contributes to better quality rest and more overall sleep. University of Georgia research recently associated lower cardiorespiratory fitness levels with higher risk of sleep problems, and over time, regular exercise has been shown to help alleviate insomnia.
In light of these ever-growing connections, we were curious to see how fitness trainers view sleep. We reached out to some of the top fitness experts and asked how they balance their exercise, health and sleep schedules both personally and for clients, and also asked them to clear up common misconceptions they see regarding rest in the fitness world. Read on to learn from some of the best in fitness.
Emily Schromm
Turn off the TV and stop checking emails at least 30-45 minutes before you start falling asleep for less stress and better recovery.
On syncing exercise routines and sleep schedules:
Routine is known to keep you consistent, so if that means waking up early and making it happen, or going straight after a long day of work to the gym, STICK TO THAT! No matter your workout style, intensity, or preference, if you are consistent, change WILL happen.
Sometimes it's just a success to get to the gym at ANY time during the day, but if you can avoid sweating hard right before bedtime, do so. Winding down before bed is a real thing! Don't hype yourself up too much so that you can get as close to 8 hours of sleep as possible.
On overlooked or incorrect things regarding sleep and fitness:
We tend to "wind down" by catching up on the last episode of Game of Thrones (guilty) or by checking emails in bed. Technology and the artificial lights can greatly affect our sleep cycle and quality.
When we don't sleep well, we don't recover as well, and over time that will really stress our bodies. Stress can come in many forms, but usually fitness or weight loss plateaus are the most common! Turn off the TV and stop checking emails at least 30-45 minutes before you start falling asleep for less stress and better recovery.
Emily Schromm is a full-time online and in Denver personal trainer, CrossFit Coach, Women's Health Magazine's Next Fitness Star and soon to be Nutritional Therapist who has a love for lifting weights and eating real food. Follow her @EmFitMTV.
Jessie Pavelka
People tend to look at the day differently, in a more positive way, when they give themselves the gift of exercise first thing before the daily hustle starts.
On syncing exercise routines and sleep schedules:
It depends on the individual and their schedules, but I'm a huge fan of wake-up workouts. Doing 15 minutes of intervals in the morning is an amazing way kick start the day. I also find that people tend to look at the day differently, in a more positive way, when they give themselves the gift of exercise first thing before the daily hustle starts.
The good thing about sleep patterns in relation to exercise is, the more you exercise the better/more rest you get. There must be a balance between working out hard and resting hard. Be sure to shut off the smartphones (blue lights) the TV, the late night eating and most of all the mind in order to get quality rest.
On overlooked or incorrect things regarding sleep and fitness:
I find many people don't allow balance to exist between sleep and exercise/fitness. True health isn't about constantly abusing your body through extreme gym sessions or hours of pounding the pavement, but rather by giving yourself a bit of love in the form of rest. The repair happens when your eyes shut and you shut it all off. Be mindful and create the balances.
Jessie Pavelka is an American fitness expert and television host, recently joining The Biggest Loser in Series 16 as a trainer and previously serving as a presenter on two UK television series. Follow him @JessiePavelka.
Dr. Layne Norton
Many people avoid eating before bed for fear of it making them fat. However, research does not support these fears.
On how nutrition factors into sleep and fitness:
Nutrition before sleep is more important than most people think. Eating sufficient amounts of protein before bed ensures that your body can recover and keep rates of muscle protein synthesis elevated.
Many people avoid eating before bed for fear of it making them fat. However, research does not support these fears. In fact a recent study demonstrated slightly greater fat loss in people who ate the majority of their carbohydrate intake at night compared to people who ate them throughout the day.
Dr. Layne Norton is a natural pro bodybuilder, powerlifter and bodybuilding/physique coach. He holds a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and owns BioLayne LLC. Follow him @BioLayne.
Kelli Segars
Listening to your own body, and being aware of your energy levels and your sleep quality is the best way to gauge the best schedule for exercise and sleep.
On syncing exercise routines and sleep schedules:
The most important thing to consider when trying to sync exercise and sleep routines is your own internal clock. While there are definitely some things that work best for the majority of people (for example, not doing a strenuous workout close to bedtime), something different works for each of us. There's really no such thing as one ideal, set plan to follow in terms of a schedule of sleep and workout timing.
Listening to your own body, and being aware of your energy levels and your sleep quality is the best way to gauge the best schedule for exercise and sleep. While this does require some trial and error, it's definitely worth it when it comes to feeling and looking your best.
On overlooked or incorrect things regarding sleep and fitness:
One of the most overlooked factors we see when it comes to sleep and fitness is probably not getting enough sleep and not allowing for proper rest in between tough workouts that require recovery periods that allow the muscles in the body to properly heal from strenuous training.
People get really excited about starting into a fitness routine and want to see results quickly, and often end up setting up patterns of exercise and rest that are not sustainable long term, making it highly likely that they don't stick to the new and healthy habits that they started out optimistic about.
Much of the repairing that the body does after an intense workout happens while you're sleeping, specifically during deep sleep. This makes it crucial to get enough rest each night. Developing a long-term health approach that includes regular exercise, good nutrition, and adequate rest and sleep, is the best way to go.
Kelli Segars is an online personal trainer and half of the husband-and-wife duo behind Fitness Blender, a popular online resource for home workout videos and fitness programs. Follow her @FitnessBlender.
Heather Frey
Your body produces the most growth hormone while you're asleep, so shoot for 7-8 hours under the covers.
On syncing exercise routines and sleep schedules:
Truly, the best time of day to workout is the time you know you will consistently go, but this said, I always encourage people to get their workout done as early in the day as possible.
First, it leaves less time to talk yourself out of going, especially as the day wears on and you get tired; secondly, it gives you energy for the rest of your day; and thirdly it won't impede your sleep which is when all of the great changes in your body are taking place. For some people, working out too late in the day causes trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
On overlooked or incorrect things regarding sleep and fitness:
People greatly underestimate how crucial sleep is to their fitness gains. They eat well, hit all their workouts, but don't get nearly enough sleep and then can't understand why their progress is stalled.
The truth is, your body does it's greatest transforming while it's sleeping. It takes all the good nutrition and physical activity you've done, and processes that with growth hormone which is crucial to repair, recovery, and body composition. Your body produces the most growth hormone while you're asleep, so shoot for 7-8 hours under the covers.
Heather Frey is the founder of SmashFit, Creator of The Change Challenge, Fitness Strategist, TV Fitness Expert, American Ninja Warrior contestant and former figure competitor. Follow her @SmashFit.
Lucas James
The number one reason I hear from my clients that have a poor workout is, "I didn't get much sleep last night.
On syncing exercise routines and sleep schedules:
When it comes to sleep, I have my clients create a sleep schedule by setting a reminder on their phone one hour before their bedtime. I also recommend going to bed the same time every night (Sun-Thur) to create a consistent sleep cycle.
As for exercise, all of my clients are required to book their personal training sessions a week in advance and schedule their personal workout days prior to the week starting. Having my clients schedule and prioritize their sleep habits and workouts keeps them on track with their goals and improves their overall health.
On overlooked or incorrect things regarding sleep and fitness:
I find that sleep is drastically overlooked, especially when working with executives, entrepreneurs, and new mothers who sometimes get less than five hours. I believe that sleep dictates our productivity, energy, and focus. Without at least six hours of sleep some feel low energy, and struggle with their nutrition and exercise. The number one reason I hear from my clients that have a poor workout is, "I didn't get much sleep last night."
Lucas James is a nationally-known celebrity personal trainer, fitness model, and health and nutrition expert based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Follow him @LucasJamesCPT.
Jen Jewell
Be realistic about it and if you're not a morning person, then carve out time on your lunch break each day to hit the gym, or throw you gym bag in the car in the morning so you'll be sure to hit the weights on the way home from work.
On syncing exercise routines and sleep schedules:
When it comes to sleep and earning top results with fitness, people often underestimate how crucial of a component sleep truly is to a health & fitness regimen. More often than not, people are overworked from a stressful day on the job, then trying to hit the gym each day after work, only to come home and watch TV in bed before passing out for a measly four to five hours of rest. This vicious cycle doesn't allow your body to recover from the day, the workouts and watching TV or using electronics right up until bedtime also isn't helpful for a good night's rest.
With sleep routines and fitness, it's all about consistency. Your body will thank you when you award it with a similar bedtime each night and wake-up call each morning. I always advise my clients (and follow this rule of thumb for myself as well) to make sure they schedule their workout for the time of day that feels most natural to them, or when they have the most energy.
For example, if you're not a morning person, don't set a goal to wake up each day at the crack of dawn to hit the gym before a day at the office. Going from one extreme to another- especially with sleep- is going to wreck havoc on your system and is essentially setting yourself up for failure from the outset.
Be realistic about it and if you're not a morning person, then carve out time on your lunch break each day to hit the gym, or throw you gym bag in the car in the morning so you'll be sure to hit the weights on the way home from work. Keep it consistent -- you're more likely to have the same amount of energy when you're working out at the same time each day.
On overlooked or incorrect things regarding sleep and fitness:
The most overlooked thing regarding sleep and fitness is pretty simple: most people that workout each day are not getting enough rest each night. A recent Gallup poll showed that in the U.S., about 40 percent of Americans aren't getting enough sleep.
Factor in a lack of sleep/rest with a busy work day and strenuous workout regimen as you're trying to shed those pounds before your Hawaiian vacation, and you have a recipe for an overworked disaster, leaving your body more stressed out than rejuvenated from your newfound healthy lifestyle.
Contrary to what some may think, a couple of days off from the gym each week will actually do a body good. No, this doesn't mean hit snooze each morning and skip the gym or lay around on the couch a few extra days a week, but instead noting that you don't need to overwork your body seven days a week in order to achieve results.
It's actually the time that we spend at rest (not during the actual workout...the workout itself is when we are breaking the muscles down as we lift weights) that our muscles are able to rebuild and recover, which earns us those results that we work so hard for.
Jen Jewell is a Los Angeles based fitness expert, fitness model, health & fitness writer and celebrity trainer. Follow her @FitnessJewell.
The Takeaways
Although many of the experts we interviewed come from diverse backgrounds, they largely share a consensus when it comes to sleep and fitness:
- Make sure you're budgeting enough time for sleep in your routine, and give your body adequate time to rest.
- Getting your workouts in early reduces likelihood of putting off the gym.
- But, more important is listening to your body's rhythms and finding a time you can consistently stick with for long-term lifestyle changes.
- Skipping sleep time for early or extended workout sessions may not be a smart move, as both rest and exercise are important, working together to deliver results.
Do you use any of the strategies recommended here? What's your ideal time of day to workout, or what habits do you find make it easier to fit both healthy sleep and good workouts into your day?
This article originally appeared on the Amerisleep blog.
Rosie Osmun is the Creative Content Manager at Amerisleep, a progressive memory foam mattress brand focused on eco-friendly sleep solutions. Rosie writes more posts on the Amerisleep blog about the science of sleep, eco-friendly living, leading a healthy lifestyle and more.
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Cancer link, Blatter elected and TV snub
Cancer cells web link, Blatter chose and TV snub
05:12 GMT
The Times records that leading physicians have said one in five cancer cells deaths is dued to obesity, which is on track to overtake smoking cigarettes as the primary source of the disease. They are asking for weight-loss programmes and exercise to end up being routine components of cancer therapy. The Daily Mirror has the exact same story, stating that greater than 30,000 British individuals are passing away of cancer yearly … (continue reading)
Roswell brain cancer team works together on treatment, including promising vaccine
ICYMI: The Rise Of Trigger Warnings And What An Empty Inbox Says About Your Personality
This week, we read everything we could get our hands on about human behavior, including an essay on what the rise of trigger warnings and safe spaces say about us as a society, and a piece on the psychological advantages of strongly identifying with being biracial. We learned how a trick of the brain can make it difficult to end a bad relationship and what having thousands of unread emails in your inbox says about your personality.
Read on and tell us in the comments: What did you read and love this week?
1. The Scary Psychology Of 'Dark' Perfectionism -- The Huffington Post
A new study shows that there is more than one kind of perfectionism. Self-oriented perfectionists set lofty goals for themselves. Others-oriented perfectionists set unreasonable goals for other people.
Quote: "Other-oriented perfectionism is a 'dark' form of perfectionism positively associated with narcissistic, antisocial and uncaring personality characteristics."
2. The Last Day of Her Life --New York Times Magazine
When Sandy Bem was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, she decided to end her life when she no longer continued to be herself. Deciding when that no-longer-herself moment was, however, turned out to be a more complex equation that anyone in Bem's family anticipated.
Quote: "The old Sandy, who valued her rationality and her agency, had been clear that she would be unwilling to keep living when she could no longer articulate coherent thoughts. But this newer Sandy didn’t seem unhappy living her life in this compromised way. Ultimately, who should make the decision to die, the old Sandy or the new one?"
3. Inbox Zero vs. Inbox 5,000: A Unified Theory -- The Atlantic
The world is divided into two camps: Out-of-control, emotional, "chaos muppets" and neurotic, highly regimented "order muppets."
Quote: "For some, it’s a spider. For others, it’s an unexpected run-in with an ex. But for me, discomfort is a dot with a number in it: 1,328 unread-message notifications? I just can’t fathom how anyone lives like that."
4. The Psychological Advantages of Strongly Identifying As Biracial -- Science of Us
Multi-racial individuals tend to think more carefully about their identities -- and if they are raised to identify with both of their parents, can operate equally well in majority and minority settings.
Quote: "In studies, for example, 'priming' a black person to remember he or she is black, or priming a girl to remember that she’s a girl, results in lower performance on tests, an internalization of negative stereotypes known as 'stereotype threat.' But multi-racial people 'may not believe the stereotypes applied to monoracials apply to them,' Gaither explained."
5. Stunning Book Of Portraits Shows 'Beauty After Breast Cancer' -- The Huffington Post
Joseph Linaschke's photo series shows both "ideal" breast cancer surgery outcomes as well as women who experienced breast cancer surgery complications.
Quote: "We are still managing to be uplifting and unintimidating with the portraits and stories we are sharing. A woman who has just heard the words, 'you have breast cancer' does not need to be scared further. I feel the faceless portraits of scars remain too harsh for someone who has no experience with breast cancer."
6. Stress Test -- New Republic
Trigger warnings and safe spaces (and those who criticize them) are part of a larger narrative about the changing ways humans process trauma.
Quote: "In contrast to the stern self-abnegation of these older traditions, therapeutic culture is profoundly democratic, holding out the idea that everyone has a right to minimize personal suffering and make a grasp at happiness."
7. How to Brag -- The Atlantic
Cloaking a brag in feigned humility -- known as humblebragging -- will only make people distain you, science says.
Quote: "When in doubt, complain constantly, bask in sympathy, and wait patiently for praise."
8. Science Explains Why Some People Are Attracted to Jerks -- The Week
An unfamiliar experience -- such as an act of kindness in an otherwise tumultuous relationship -- could stimulate the brain's reward circuit, possibly explaining why people stay in bad relationships.
Quote: "So the next time your friend complains about his girlfriend's behavior, try to be sympathetic -- it's not that he likes to suffer. Most likely, it's his brain playing tricks on him."
9. Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers -- New York Times
Colleges are struggling to keep up with the demand for mental health treatment from college students with severe mental illness and those with academic performance-related anxiety.
Quote: "A month into the semester, a student is having panic attacks about coming to class, but the wait list at the counseling center is two to five weeks out."
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The New Black-and-White Cookie
In our riff on the classic black-and-white cookie, we don't frost a cake-like base with the two flavors. Instead, we make each cookie from half vanilla dough with chocolate chips and half chocolate dough with vanilla chips. This way, you're guaranteed a little of both in every bite.
Get the recipe.
Get the recipe.
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4 Crazy-Good Kebab Recipes
1. Honey, Lime & Sriracha Chicken Skewers
These chicken skewers marinated in honey, lime juice and Sriracha are every bit as good as they look -- and, if you've never tried Sriracha, this is the perfect recipe to taste just how delicious it is. GET THE RECIPE
2. Grilled Shrimp Skewers with Tomato, Garlic and Herbs
In this easy recipe, shrimp are quickly marinated in olive oil, tomato paste, lemon, garlic and herbs, and then grilled until plump and slightly charred. It's perfect for summer entertaining because all of the prep is done ahead of time. GET THE RECIPE
3. Grilled Thai Curry Chicken Skewers with Coconut-Peanut Sauce
This recipe originally comes from food writer Alice Currah of the blog and book, Savory Sweet Life. The curry-flavored chicken is delicious in its own right, but it's the rich coconut-peanut sauce that takes it over the top. GET THE RECIPE
4. Middle Eastern Chicken Kebobs
In this recipe, chicken thighs are marinated in a tangy blend of Greek yogurt, lemon and spices, then grilled on skewers until golden brown. Everyone seems to love it -- in fact, the first time I made it for a crowd, I actually ran out of food. Lesson learned: make extra! GET THE RECIPE
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