It is both daunting and exhilarating at the same time.
I've been in the birth canal of the entertainment business for as long as I can remember.
Composing, writing, producing. All important, all in the background.
My work is well known, I am not.
This is my first venture in which I am presenting my full self and my beliefs.
Offering what is so dear to me, to my fellow humans.
Nowhere to hide.
It's scary.
This is also a time when these beliefs I have held dear, that have formed my life, a life so full and for which I am eternally grateful, are being tested. Tested from the base of their roots to the top leaves of their highest branches.
This is uncomfortable, but I can't not share this.
This is a stark lesson for me that I am not in control.
Heretofore I have created alone. Alone and in control.
However, I do believe that if I continue to trust that I am the vessel through which the universe is delivering positive and useful information to serve my fellow beings, this will all work out in ways that I could never imagine... I hope so, because I am not that smart.
And oddly, through all of this, instead of overwhelm, doubt, and indecision, I am experiencing an inner peace as at no other time.
I have a theory as to why.
I believe it is because I am supported and surrounded
by a team of great people that I have been guided to assemble.
I am aware enough to appreciate this and the more I trust
in this team, I am confident that we will build, together,
a program that will have far reaching results.
I am not alone.
We are not alone.
We have each other.
We are here for each other.
We have each others backs.
we work, sweat, strain, worry, laugh and celebrate together.
As a team.
All I have to do is trust.
I do.
And I am grateful.
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