These two PSAs give parents a glimpse into what it's like inside the minds of their kids with learning and attention problems. The ads show parents asking their Siri-esque smartphone assistants questions about their children's problems with school and learning -- only to be constantly misunderstood and given answers to completely different questions.
"Why is Connor having trouble focusing in school?" one mom asks repeatedly, getting responses like "Finding lowest airfare to Istanbul" and "Finding best potatoes."
Another set of parents ask their smartphone about their daughter Sarah's problems with reading and receive a slew of answers, from "information on hot water heating" to "World music. Playing track now." Exasperated, Sarah's mom eventually asks, "Why are you not getting me?"
That's when the ad reveals it's clever ploy: "I was trying to show how Sarah feels every day. Frustrating, isn't it?"
The two PSAs are part of a campaign to promote, a comprehensive web resource to help parents of kids with learning and attention issues help and empower their children.
As the description on the videos reads, "This campaign stems from the idea that parents can sense when their children are struggling but may not know why. Or what to do. By demonstrating the realities that children with learning and attention issues face daily, the campaign aims to increase the number of parents who are actively helping and seeking help for their kids."
H/T Adweek
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